Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fundraising Update, Triangle Picture, and How YOU can Help with our next Big Step!

So sorry, friends! I’m behind on posting an update of our triangles picture! Thank you so much for those that have supported us already!! We had several paintings sell over the Christmas season!
Without further ado… Here’s our updated Triangle picture!

So what's up with the triangles?
In case you missed the story before, I’ll be updating this painting along the way to show you just how far we have come with our fundraising goals.  Each time a donation is made, someone buys a painting (or even 2!), or we are able to fundraise or save money I will paint a triangle for each $20.   The names of the person/persons is also put on the back of the painting- I won’t show those for identity reasons, however.  This triangle painting will show us just how far we are along the way, but also is a special painting that will show our future child just how many folks banded together to show their support and love for them along the way.
One triangle=$20
The entire painting= 1400 triangles
1400 triangles painted= 1 fully funded adoption

Thank you Thank YOU THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us so far!! From the bottoms of our hearts- THANK YOU. 

Our next step in this process will be our home study!  We will need to complete this before we are able to apply for other financial assistance such as grants, loans, etc.  It’s an important step!
The home study process is $2350 + Travel fees + all of our Post Placement Fees, which we pay up front.  We just guestimated it to be around $3,000, but we’ll find out for sure once we actually know which country we will be using and how many post placement visits they require.   There might also be some other fees mixed in for some important documents, etc.
Soooo this is our next BIG step.   The step we are working towards right now!  We would LOVE to reach this goal as soon as possible.

So how can you help??

 Donate to our Cause:
This is one of the hardest things that God has told us to do.  We struggle with the thought of asking others to support us.  But, we also know that God uses His people to fullfil His purposes.
 We have a PayPal tab set up on our blog for easy donations, or you are welcome to send us a check if you prefer.  Just email me for an address.  Either way, your donations and support will be used for the sole purposes of bringing our child home. Trust me when I say noooo amount is too small.   Anything would be fantastic- even if it’s just skipping starbucks for a week or not going out for a meal once a month and donating what you save.  You could also go in with some friends from church or work and buy a triangle, or even save your change.  **Please remember this is not to make us parents; we aren’t asking for money for that… but to give a child a home- who otherwise might not ever have loving and caring parents.

Help us by buying a painting: I started an Etsy Shop called HouseDownSouth and am offering tons of different style paintings on wooden blocks.  They’re perfect for gifts!  I can also use help spreading the word to all of your friends and social media outlets.  I’ll be doing some craft fairs this spring and summer.

Valentines week Manicures: If you live in the Olive Branch area, a sweet friend of mine  (who is in school for this) is offering Shellac Manicures the entire week of Valentine’s day on discount at $25 (Usually these are $40 at the salon!).  Part of the proceeds goes to us and you get beautiful nails!  Win Win. Please help us spread the word! You can book yours here:

Spring Cleaning???  Save your clutter and goodwill donations! As soon as it’s warm enough we will be having a hopefully HUGE yard sale.  We will take anything!  If you want it out of the house now, just let us know and we can even pick up if you’re in the area. 
Odds and Ends Jobs:   Need something fixed?  Need some rooms painted?   Need some Yard work done?  Contact us to see if we can help! Will is pretty handy so I will send him! (JK! I’ll help too!! HA) Seriously though!! We would looooooove to do some jobs for donations!!  If you hear of friends or family needing anything please let them know!!

Parent’s Night Out:  We’re going to look at dates for this, and will post more definite information about it soon, but Will and I were thinking of keeping your children once a month for donations.   We get some parenting experience, you get to go out, and we get donations for what you would usually pay a babysitter! Win Win.  Let us know if you’d be interested!

If you can’t help financially at this time, we would definitely appreciate your prayers for this next step and for our fundraising process!  We would also appreciate your help spreading the word, the more people we reach the better!- so please tell folks about our journey, repost any blogs for your friends, and invite them to check out HouseDownSouth on my facebook page.

Thanks for your help!

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