Thursday, June 12, 2014

DIY Thursday: Prayer Board

Yup… you thought I wasn't going to post today didn't you?  Well thanks for holding me accountable blogworld.  Because of you, I got the motivation to see this thing through… even upon a crazy busy week.

Phillipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

This week’s DIY Thursday is for a prayer board. 

I had this idea a while back, and thought that it was something I’d really like to have in my home.  

Disclaimer: I totally did not want or mean for it to be something extravagant, something that calls out “hey! Look at me”, by any means nor to seem holier than thou because I have a prayer board in my home.. I totally am just doing this because I need the reminder and accountability it will provide.  Also didn't want it to be something weird like a shrine ha… so definitely don’t get that from this post!   

I did however just want an area that I could see every day and remember things and people I want to pray for as well as some verses that seem to be helping me the most whatever my current situation.   I thought it would help my family-my husband currently and future children in serving as a reminder to pray for others.  In the future this board will hopefully house pictures of families or people I need to remember in prayer, could be cards of friends with upcoming weddings or pregnancies I want to pray for, could be our church leader’s families, could be bible verses I want to memorize and hold in my heart that current week, could be missionaries, could be things that don’t need to be displayed but will be in envelopes instead, yet still serve as a reminder.

Location: I chose a spot for the board in our living room area before you walk through to our kitchen, because this is usually always our route we walk by several times a day.   I didn't really want to put this in our office because we aren't always in there, or our kitchen in a spot we might not see.  I wanted this to be visible on our normal routes. Because... 

I am a very visual person folks… very visual.  Ha if you couldn't tell.  God created me to think with pictures.  It’s my learning style. I reeeeally need visual reminders. Anyone else out there like that?

So to get started… what’s a girl to do?  I searched pinterest for ideas…  I found some really great ones… some frugal ones using wood and string… some cute ones, a dry erase board made with glass (I wanted something to hang pictures on and notes so this wasn't practical), along with a chalkboard. (I do not want everything in my house to be made of chalk ha so that one was a no!)  I finally decided to make one out of wood or some frames.  

How bad of an idea was that?  
Have I mentioned all the projects I have laying around? Yeah…    So that has why it has been months.   

    I recently really started wanting to get this finished again… and when shopping at kohls with some birthday money I saw in the clearance section 2 really cute bulletin boards.   I could not turn it down.  I also could not make a decision, my husband and parents would say “as usual.”  So I got both and I am so glad I did.


They've been sitting around for a month, so today I finally got handy with nails and a hammer.

Or shall I say a staple puller?  Show of hands….Who thinks it’s a good idea to staple the cardboard to the frame? Ridiculous. This took Fooooooooorever (said in slow low voice)    

And it even broke my staple puller. Some tough staples I tell ya!

The cross was already there, one I got from Kirkland's a few years back. To fit them all I decided to stagger them, but I’m a pretty big fan of that anyways. I think they look pretty good right?  Minus the terribly dark paneling that is. 

I've had this plant stand I painted with cute chalk paint and aged a year or so ago, but because of inadequate sunlight in our sad living room, I never really have much to sit on it.  

So alas my idea...  I wanted to make a container to sit on it and house envelopes, pins, and paper for the board.  I've also had this recycled tin can sitting around forever trying to decide what to do with it.  The perfect fit.    I just cut a long strip of burlap to fit.  I used a hot glue gun to glue it to the can.  I used burlap ribbon that I had in a little darker color on the bottom.  Finishing it off with a strip of leftover lace ribbon I had for the top, and a bow made of twine.

And it is completed… and ready to go!

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